At present, even the actual line parameters of the individual absorption line can only be determined to within 10%. Hence, the values are not expected to be more accurate than 10%. 目前甚至个别吸收线的实际线参数精度也只能确定到10%以内,因此不要期望这些值的精度优于10%。
The exact error code, the error text, and even the line that caused the error can be retrieved. 可以检索精确的错误代码、错误文本甚至导致错误的那一行。
You could even add a line of code to highlight the incorrect field. 您甚至可以添加一行代码来突出显示不正确的字段。
The executive leaders, their reporting managers, and even front line supervisors never left for home until the plant manager had gone for the day. 高层领导人,管理者,甚至是一线经理都从来不会在工厂经理离开之前回家。
We call this anticipatory nostalgia and have even started a line of relevant research. 他说,我们管这个叫可预期的怀旧,我们甚至已经开始这个相关研究了。
But today it looks like, even the bottom line, the front line employees, every level, I think, need some leadership upgrading. 但是今天看起来,即使是最底层,最前线的员工也需要领导力的提升。
South Korea's Fair Trade Commission has pledged to take an even tougher line against companies that abuse their market dominance this year, focusing on cartels and mergers in particular. 韩国公平交易委员会(FairTradeCommission)承诺,今年将对滥用市场主导地位的公司采取更强硬手段,工作重点将特别集中在垄断企业和并购交易方面。
The ship-to-shore communication can not be established even if the line is not busy. 即使线路不繁忙时也无法建立与岸站通信。
If one is disconnected during a telephone conversation, it is the responsibility of the caller to call again, even if the line was broken at the other end. 交谈时电话断线了,打电话的人有责任重新再打,即使是对方断线也应该如此。
America and China are at the heart of the dispute. But Germany, another big exporter, has taken an even harder line than China in criticising American economic policy and rejecting the call for numerical targets for current account deficits. 美国和中国出于这场争论的核心,但在指责美国经济政策、反对采用数字化的经常账户目标方面,德国表现得比中国更加强硬。
In case of rain, waterfall even Longfeng II line, 198.9 meters high waterfall from the cliffs plunge down, roar like a dragon, earth-day surprise, the wind rushing waterfall with a vengeance. 如遇大雨,龙凤二瀑连成一线,瀑从198.9米高的悬崖上急泻直下,犹如巨龙咆哮,地动天惊,瀑风袭来,咄咄逼人。
Even if the line opens on time, however, the need for haste could make it harder for civil works contractors to maintain the construction standards on its raised tracks and underground sections. 不过,即使这条铁路按时开通,由于过于仓促,土建工程承包商将更难保证高架轨道和地下部分的建筑水准。
Probably even the line officers were faking their patrols. 说不定连军官执行巡逻任务都是装装样子。
The Navy and the Cost Guard work hand and glove, especially in war time. Probably even the line officers were faking their patrols. 海军与海岸巡逻队密切合作,战时尤其如此。说不定连军官执行巡逻任务都是装装样子。
There are stores everywhere in Guangzhou, and which even line up in the street. 在广州,一上街就是店连店、铺连铺,且成行成市。
Along a flat or even line or plane. a floor plan for the ground level of a building. 水平地沿水平面或水平线地建筑地平面的一种平面图。
Even though the line, guiding principles and policies formulated by the Central Committee are correct, if Party members do not carry them out properly, what good can they do? 中央的路线、方针、政策正确,如果下面不很好执行,那有什么用呢?
For example, even business line managers influence IT spending today. 例如,现在连业务经理都在对IT花费指手画脚。
South Korea has taken an even tougher line, passing laws that restrict advertising of foods and drinks high in fat, salt and sugar. 韩国采取了更严厉的措施,他们通过立法对高脂、高盐和高糖类食品饮料广告进行限制。
And we never bought candy because there was an even longer line at the concession stand and the movie was starting and we had to get seats. 我们没有买糖果,因为排的队太长,电影开始的时候我们才找了个座位。
DVD is encoded with MEG-2, allowing both successive line scanning and jump line scanning, but is difficult to yield excellent TV signals even when successively line scanned, since DVD systems are usually designed according to jump line scanning. DVD是基于MEG-2编码的,容许逐行序列,也容许隔行序列,但一般DVD机和DVD光盘都是按隔行扫描设计和制作的,因此用逐行扫描也难以向电视输送良好的逐行扫描信号。
The theory of even transmission line is an efficient way to analyze distributed parameter circuit. 均匀传输线理论是分析分布参数电路的一种有效方法。
In this paper, by supposing the currents on the two lines are equal but opposite and with the application of bifilar transmission-line theory, the current-voltage relationships of the asymmetrical ( current) bifilar even transmission line are obtained. 该文在假设双线传输线两线上电流大小相等、方向相反的条件下,运用双线传输线理论思想,推得不对称(电流)双线均匀传输线的电压、电流关系。
X-rays, as a new radiation source, has the advantages such as safety, precise control of dose rate, strong intensity, possibility of wafer-level test or even on-line test, which greatly reduce cost for package, test and transportation. X射线作为辐射源具有安全、剂量率控制准确等优点,可进行硅片级的测试甚至在线测试,从而大大降低封装、测试、运输的成本,提高研发效率。
According to the frequency characteristic of an even transmission line, when the frequency is lower than fm, the input impedance of an unloaded even transmission line is capacitive, and the line maybe modeled as a capacitor. 根据均匀传输线路的频率特性,对于空载线路,当频率小于fm时,线路输入阻抗呈容性,线路可用一集中电容等效。
In this paper, a simple and effective method to extract characteristic impedance and effective relative permittivity of equivalent even transmission line realized by defected ground structure has been presented. 对缺陷地结构(DGS)实现的等效均匀传输线提出了一种简单有效的由S参数求其特性阻抗和有效相对介电常数的方法。
Sector stocks surge, sell not free, even off production line and production situation. 部门企业库存量激增、销售不畅,甚至出现了关闭生产线乃至停产的情况。
Its basical theory is no matter how much big the difference among the original curvatures is, the distinction of metal material which under a large elastoplastic bending condition among the residual curvatures will be significantly reduced after spring-back, or even in line. 其理论基础是金属材料在较大弹塑性弯曲条件下,不管其原始弯曲程度有多大差别,在弹复后所残留的弯曲程度差别会显著减小,甚至会趋于一致,从而达到矫直目的。
Secondly, with the theory of even transmission line, a simulation of track circuit transmitting length is set up to find out material effect of track circuit transmission characteristics with the electromagnetic coupling influence between steel bar networks in ballast-less track plate and rails. 然后运用均匀传输线理论对轨道电路传输长度进行建模和仿真,从而可以看出在受无碴轨道板中钢筋网络电磁耦合的情况下,轨道电路传输特性的具体情况。